Blog - Luminous

Double Materiality with GRI

Written by Rachel Madan | 17.11.21

In our eleventh 'Luminous Spotlight' podcast, Rachel Madan talks with George Harrington, Manager of Corporate and Stakeholder Engagement at the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), about GRI’s newly updated standards, how GRI treats materiality, and how this fits into the sustainability reporting puzzle.

GRI was the first sustainability standard setter to define materiality with regard to sustainable development. The definition of materiality within the standards is specific: topics that represent the organisation’s most significant impacts on the environment, on the economy, and on people, including impacts on their human rights. This impact perspective is an important component to double materiality, because it is undeniably focused on the public good.

We sat down with George Harrington, Manager of Corporate and Stakeholder Engagement at the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) to discuss the role that impact materiality can play in helping companies to understand emerging and dynamic issues, which can eventually affect the company’s bottom line, as well as the importance of impact materiality in a holistic double materiality assessment.

You can listen to the full conversation below.

The Luminous Spotlight Podcast · Double Materiality with GRI

Listen to the podcast on 
SoundcloudSpotify or Anchor.

If you would like to discuss how Luminous can support your company when disclosing against GRI, please get in touch.