Blog - Luminous

Environment Matters: Change is coming, are you prepared?

Written by Stephen Butler | 07.01.25

This Environment Matters publication takes a deep dive into environmental reporting trends and best practice recommendations. 

This year, we’ve refined our research approach following the release of Reporting Matters 10 in July, which explored the significant reporting changes on the horizon, such as IFRS 1 and 2, CSRD and TPT. 

Our Environmental Reporting analysis spans a diverse selection of annual reports from across the FTSE 350, excluding closed-end investments.

We hope that the insights and examples we provide will inspire and motivate preparers to embrace the changes ahead and see their reporting as a vital tool in telling their story to investors and other stakeholders. 

Download a copy now


Launch event

At our launch event on July 9, Luminous’ Stephen Butler, Investor Communications and ESG Disclosure Director and Kay Kayachith, Investor Communications and ESG Disclosure Associate Director, shared the outcomes of our research.

If you would like to access the recording, slides, or transcript from our event, please get in touch.