What investors are looking for

The tenth Luminous Spotlight podcast explores what investors are really calling for in the area of ESG and how companies can tailor their corporate communications to meeting these needs.

Stephen Butler, Luminous’ Director of Investor Engagement and ESG Disclosure, sits down with Lindsey Stewart, Head of Stakeholder Engagement at the FRC, to shed some light on how companies can hit the mark on all things related to ESG reporting.

Inspired by the global rise of reporting beyond financial results, ESG is a burgeoning topic in the investor community. However, confusion persists when it comes to ensuring corporate communications are responsive to the evolving ESG needs of investors. With COVID-19 front of mind, investors seem to place a greater focus on the ‘S’ in corporate ESG practices and are looking for more meaningful disclosures.

In discussion, Lindsey explains the following areas:

  • How companies can report on TCFD and connect it with disclosures in their financial statements
  • Which ESG frameworks are favoured by investors
  • What companies should be looking towards in their next annual report
  • What we can expect from the FRC over the next 12–24 months in general, and specifically around ESG

To hear Lindsey’s recommendations on how companies can meet investors’ ESG needs through reporting, you can listen to the full conversation below.

Listen to the podcast on 
SoundcloudSpotify or Anchor.

If you would like to discuss how Luminous can help you enhance your ESG reporting and investor engagement, please get in touch.


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The tenth Luminous Spotlight podcast explores what investors are really calling for in the area of ESG and how companies can tailor their corporate communications to meeting these needs.

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