Blog - Luminous

Why you should rethink materiality

Written by Rachel Madan | 25.05.21

Rachel Madan and Stephen Butler discuss what the new standard of double materiality means for companies that are taking their sustainability strategy and reporting seriously.

A materiality assessment is the bedrock of a credible sustainability strategy. But past approaches to understanding material issues sometimes left companies and their stakeholders scratching their heads as to whether the information offered in sustainability and ESG reports truly represented the sustainability-related risks and opportunities of the business. But regulators, investors and other stakeholders are paying more attention – and asking for more credible assessments.

The approach of double materiality offers a more holistic approach to understanding the full range of information that stakeholders seek. Examining how sustainability matters affect corporate value using both the ‘outside-in’ approach preferred by standards like SASB and the ‘inside-out’ approach promoted by GRI offers a robust framework for companies to follow.

Listen to our conversation to learn more about the benefits of a double materiality approach and why companies should re-examine their approach.


Listen to the podcast on Soundcloud, Spotify or Anchor.

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How we can help
We help companies identify their material issues, whether for the first time or in a streamlined validation process for companies that have previously done an assessment.

We can help you to use your materiality assessment to develop sustainability strategies and frameworks, and to activate those strategies through employee engagement and reporting.

If you'd like to find out more, please get in touch.