Nick Clarke has joined Luminous as Head of Digital to drive digital transformation across the business’s key strategic areas, namely: Brand & Culture, Investor Engagement & ESG Disclosure, and Sustainability & Impact.
Nick will lead the team working with a wide range of mainly FTSE clients to develop the optimum digital solution, defining the project vision and the roadmap to deliver meaningful business impacts.
Alan Hines, Managing Partner at Luminous, said, “Nick holds qualifications in innovation and enterprise, advanced multi-media production and is a skilled software engineer. He has a rare combination of strategic insight, creativity and deep technical understanding that allows him to engage creative and tech teams in user-focused digital conversations. Digital is rapidly growing in importance in the B2B environment and Nick joins us at an exciting time.”
Bringing expertise in digital innovation and the development of digital solutions, Clarke’s experience spans over 15 years. He has worked in senior digital roles for Saatchi and Saatchi, Publicis and JWT, he has consulted on projects for the 2021 FIFA World Cup in Qatar and supported the Department of Education on major teacher recruitment campaigns. He has also been heavily involved in creating virtual live event concepts and leading the delivery of successful ‘digital firsts’ for brands like UBS, Toyota and Disney.
Clarke says, “Having split my work life between B2B, B2C and Central Government, I feel that I have a great balance of experience that’s really relevant to help Luminous grow its leadership position in B2B communications. Luminous’ ambition to focus its actions on making a measurable and sustainable difference to its clients was a really important factor in me taking on the role.”