The secrets of a successful EVP: A unique deep dive into the FTSE 100

We have launched groundbreaking research reviewing the entire FTSE 100: Employee Engagement Matters: The Secrets of a Successful Employee Value Proposition (EVP). This report evaluates how companies approach EVP. Download your copy now.

Attracting new talent is increasingly challenging. In 2022, 70% of UK companies noticed a sharp increase in competition for well-qualified talent. Retaining talent is proving difficult, too, with over half of employees globally watching for or actively seeking a new job.

With all this change, how can companies stay competitive and ensure employees feel valued and engaged?

We launched ground-breaking research, Employee Engagement Matters: The Secrets of a Successful Employee Value Proposition (EVP), reviewing the entire FTSE 100 to evaluate how companies approach EVP. Our research reveals unique insights into the connection between EVP and organisational success, and how to embed this internally.

We analysed every company to understand their approach to EVPs – how they were structured, communicated, and used for recruitment. Our biggest surprises? Only a quarter structure their EVP, and most focus on general culture talk instead of highlighting what this means for potential employees long term.

We focused on the following areas:

  • Attracting and retaining talent
  • What is an EVP? (There is a lot of confusion about the difference between EVP, employee experience, employer brands and culture)
  • The return on investment (ROI) of employee engagement
  • A deep dive into how the FTSE 100 talk about their EVPs
  • Our four key ingredients to a successful EVP

Better engage and retain your most valuable asset – your people! Download a copy of the report:


Defining your company’s EVP is the first step in re-energising your workforce and attracting new talent.

If you think your organisation could benefit from creating or revisiting its EVP, get in touch with

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We have launched groundbreaking research reviewing the entire FTSE 100: Employee Engagement Matters: The Secrets of a Successful Employee Value Proposition (EVP). This report evaluates how companies approach EVP. Download your copy now.

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